Palmén Colloquium – CALL FOR PRESENTATIONS Autumn 2023 series

The purpose of the Geographical Society of Finland is to bring all those interested in geographical questions together, share ideas and generate a feeling of a geographical community.

The Palmén Colloquium of the Geographical Society of Finland affords occasions to present and discuss fresh and contemporary research for a broad geographical crowd. Open to all, the colloquium intends to both promote geographic research and proliferate interaction within Geography. The hybrid-form colloquium is hosted by the Geographical Society of Finland and can be organized at Tieteiden Talo (Helsinki) or Finnish universities.

Historically the Society held meetings on Friday afternoons. Following this tradition, the colloquium will be held mainly on Friday lunchtime between 12 noon and 1 pm. Colloquium presentations are 30+ minutes long, and the event allows a fruitful discussion with the audience.

The Society is looking for presentation proposal from September 2023 to January 2024. Please submit your title, preferably an abstract and preferred Friday for AUTUMN 2023 to or before 4 August. We aim to have the full schedule published in late-August.

You can find more information for the Palmén colloquium at