Maantieteen päivät

2023 ”Geographies in times of crises”Itä-Suomen yliopisto / University of Eastern Finland 

Climate extremes and their often-devastating impacts all over the world; the last Finnish parliamentary election results; a multitude of growing geopolitical tensions and armed conflicts including wars in Europe and Africa; the contested Finnish health and social services reform, the rapid degradation of global biodiversity, Sanna Marin’s dancing moves, the COVID-19 pandemic or last winter’s electricity bills and ChatGPT in higher education… This eclectic list of ‘crises’ highlights some starting points to embark on the theme “geographies in times of crises” for the Finnish Geography Days 2023 in Joensuu. It raises not only the multiplicity of crises currently materialising or perceived as such, but hints at their delineation, scope and effect, reaching from the everyday to planetary realms, including biophysical and social components, individual and communal identities, as well as scalar and temporal shifts. The emergence of crises themselves, livelihoods in times of crises or processes to prevent/halt/normalise crises are an interrelation of complex socio-spatial processes and henceforth at the core of geographical analysis.

We therefore would like to invite you to the Finnish Geography Days 2023 under the theme “Geographies in times of crises” to discuss naturally the big questions that highlight the implications of planetary crises, such as climate, biodiversity, urbanism or geopolitics, but also that engage with the varying small crises (or related problematisations) arising in every field of societal conduct, as well as on the geographical methods and approaches to assess the socio-spatial processes at play.


**Call for abstracts open until 13 Oct 2023**




2022 Tampere: Geographies of 



2021 Ratkaisuja etsimässä: Maantieteilijät ympäristön ja ihmisen asialla

Oulun yliopisto 4.-5.11.2021 

Ohjelma (PDF)

Lataa tiivistelmäkirja 




Tapahtumaa ei järjestetty


2019 Paikan voima

Vaasan yliopisto, 24.-25.10. 2019

Schedule and the Book of Abstracts (PDF)



2018 Tulevaisuuden maantieteet

Helsingin yliopisto, keskustakampus, 25.-26.10.2018

Ohjelma (PDF)



2017 Welcome to Finland?

Turun yliopisto, 26.10.-27.10.2017

Ohjelma (PDF)

Sessio-ohjelma (PDF)

Valokuvauskilpailun tulokset (PDF)

Sivuston etusivu (PDF)


2016 Extreme Geographies

Itä-Suomen yliopisto, Joensuun kampus, 26.-28.10

Arkistoitu tiedote tapahtumasta