
The Society opened the call for geographical presentations for the spring 2023 season in Terra (vol 134 issue 3), but in case you missed it, there is room for presentations from mid-March to June 2023. Colloquium presentations are 30+ minutes long, and the event allows a fruitful discussion with the audience.

Please submit your title, preferably an abstract and preferred Friday in Spring 2023 to president@geography.fi or info@geography.fi before 22nd December. We aim to have the full schedule published in early January.

Palmen Colloquium - Adaptation and migration in times of environmental change: Evidence from Bangladesh, presented by Dr. Helena Tukiainen.

This work is conducted by Helena Tukiainen, Päivi Lujala and Carolyn Cole, and it is part of a project “Effects of environmental change on adaptation and mobility dynamics” at the Geography Research Unit, University of Oulu.

Palmen Colloquium - The (changing) geography of innovation in times of the COVID-19 crisis, presented by Dr Teemu Makkonen

Palmén Colloquium - Sensing place-based landscape values for more inclusive, resilient and sustainable urban development, by Dr. Nora Fagerholm

Palmén Colloquium presents: Exploring the geographies of interest in sustainability topics using digital data, by Dr Ricardo Correira

Palmén Colloquium presents: Human geographical perspectives on knowledge creation and creativity in the era of AI, by Dr Johanna Hautala, University of Vaasa

Welcome to the first meeting of the Palmén Colloquium. Discussion is opened after presentation "Traces of Linné: The genealogies of Finnish geographers" by Dr Joni Vainikka

The Palmén-Colloquium of the Geographical Society of Finland affords occasions to present and discuss fresh and contemporary research for a broad geographical crowd. As open to all, the colloquium intends to both promote geographic research and proliferate interaction within Geography.    

Following the Society’s tradition of Friday meetings, the colloquium will be held in Teams and live mainly on Friday lunchtime between 12 noon and 1 pm. In Autumn 2022 the colloquium will be held in 16 SEPT, 30 SEPT, 14 OCT, 18 NOV, 16 DEC & 20 JAN


Maantieteen päivien työryhmäehdotuksia otetaan vastaan pe 19.8.2022 mennessä.

 Geography days 2022 are now accepting proposals for sessions by Friday 19 August 2022



Vuoden parasta gradua etsitään jälleen! Kilpailuehdotukset tulee jättää viimeistään viimeistään 11.10.2022.
